How to Shop for Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers

How to Shop for Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers

Strollers—and especially single-to-double strollers—will be one of your family’s largest baby gear purchases, so investing in a little research before you hit add-to-cart is worth it. Considering a convertible stroller? We’ve huddled with our baby gear experts and rounded up everything you need to know about single-do-double strollers so you can pick the best option for your family.

What Is a Single-to-Double Convertible Stroller?

Single to double—or convertible—strollers expand from single stroller, to double, and back again. They offer a lot of flexibility for growing families, and if you’re watching your baby budget, can completely eliminate the need to purchase a traditional double stroller.

Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers

Most convertible strollers have in-line (or stadium) seats, arranged one in front of the other, with the rear seat closest to the handlebar raised higher than the front. They can be used in multiple riding modes, depending on the model (car seat and stroller seat, two stroller seats facing either forward or back, single use with a bassinet, stroller seat and rider board, etc.). 

Worried about newborn options? Convertible strollers have plenty of newborn configurations: most pair with an infant car seat for use as a travel system; some offer bassinet options; others have stroller seats that fully recline to a lie-flat position. If you’re planning to expand your crew, there are convertible strollers that accommodate 3 little riders, as well.

Do You Need a Single-to-Double Convertible Stroller?

Single-to-double strollers are designed to adapt to the needs of most any family—we’re not even excluding one-and-done families, since most are great single full-size strollers, too (though also heavier). A convertible stroller might be an ideal fit for your family if:

  • You’re minding your baby gear budget. If you’re planning to have at least 2 children, buying a single-to-double stroller is less expensive than buying a single stroller to start and then a double stroller later.
  • You’re embracing a minimalist lifestyle. If you’re into simpler low-stuff living and prioritize buying baby gear that grows with your family and doesn’t need replacing, a convertible stroller is right for you.
  • You’re a first-time parent with plans to expand your family. If you’re expecting your first little one but know they won’t be an only child, a single-to-double stroller will cover all your stroller needs for every age and stage.

Are Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers Worth It?

Single-to-double strollers are typically pricier than a full-size single stroller, but most parents of 2 kids or more make the investment because:

  • Buying a convertible stroller is less expensive than purchasing 2 separate strollers to accommodate your growing family.
  • The flexibility of convertible strollers is super convenient, especially if you have an infant and toddler (who may want to face you… or the baby… or the world… toddlers are wild!).
  • Side-by-side double strollers are larger, heavier, and bulkier than single-to-double strollers. Traditional doubles are also harder to maneuver in tight or crowded spaces, and may not fit through some doorways.
  • Convertible strollers are durable workhorses, and will last for years as you navigate the baby years through young childhood, and beyond.
  • Single-to-double strollers tend to have generous storage baskets, so there will be plenty of space for all your on-the-go kiddo essentials.
  • Convertible strollers are future-proof: Whether you changed your mind about how many kids you wanted, or you’ve been pleasantly surprised by an unplanned pregnancy, these strollers have got you covered.

Shopping Tips for Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers

If you’re considering a single-to-double convertible stroller, we recommend taking a moment to think about your family’s current and future needs before you start shopping. What’s your family’s lifestyle, and what is the intended primary use for your stroller? How many kids do you have, and how close are they in age? Do you have ample storage space, or do you need a stroller that folds more compactly? Are you frequent flyers who need a lightweight stroller that’s ultra portable?

And if you want to use your convertible stroller as a travel system, plan to pick your stroller first. While your little one will outgrow their infant car seat within a year, you’ll use your stroller as your family’s daily “vehicle” for years to come (and they’re an investment!). In other words, don’t let your car seat choice limit your stroller options.

Some single-to-double convertible stroller features to keep in mind while you browse:

  • Available configurations. Convertible strollers offer the ultimate versatility for growing families, and there’s a wide range of available riding modes within the single-to-double stroller category. Strollers with more riding options afford more flexibility as your family expands, especially if you’re a first time parent who hasn’t settled on a timeline for adding to your family.
  • Weight limits. Convertible strollers with higher weight capacities can be used longer (obviously). Weight capacities may be particularly important if you’re planning to use your stroller with more than 2 children, or with twins.
  • Size and portability. Convertible strollers are also everyday full-size stroller workhorses, so they tend to prioritize functionality over portability. If you’re shopping for lightweight or compact single-to-double strollers to use while traveling, expect to find a handful of great—but fewer—options.
  • Cost. Convertible strollers are an investment, and are pricier than their single stroller counterparts (although they can save your family money in the long run). 
  • Maneuverability. This is a great moment to set expectations: any convertible stroller with 2 little riders is going to be harder to turn and steer than a single stroller (but some are easier than others). Convertible strollers with stadium (or tandem) seating, meaning the seats are stacked in line and not side-by-side, are more difficult to maneuver than strollers with side-by-side seating.
  • Storage space. Being out with kids means schlepping a lot of stuff—make sure the stroller can accommodate all your belongings, and is easy to access from multiple angles.
  • Durability. Convertible strollers, by nature, are meant to be used for the long haul. If your budget allows, more expensive strollers are manufactured with better materials and will stay in prime working condition for longer. They tend to have more generous warranties, as well.

Now that you’d pass the Albee Baby convertible stroller pop-quiz, hydrate and get ready to shop the Best Single-to-Double Convertible Strollers of 2023.

Finding What’s Right for You

Albee Baby is the oldest family-owned specialty baby shop in the US, and we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best assortment of baby products anywhere, at fair prices, always. We’re committed to being an inclusive resource for parents, and hope you’re feeling empowered to find the right car seat for your family. Still have questions? Feel free to contact our baby gear experts at 877.692.5233 or by email at [email protected].