Best Fabrics for Newborns in Hot Weather

The Best Materials to Dress Your Newborn in During Hot Weather

As a new parent, one of the most important things you’ll do is choose the right clothing for your newborn. And when it comes to dressing a newborn in hot weather, the choice of fabric becomes even more crucial. You want something that’s breathable, lightweight, and comfortable for your little one. But with so many different types of fabric out there, how do you know which ones are the best for your baby?

What Are the Challenges of Dressing a Baby in Hot Weather

Dressing a baby in hot weather can be a challenge for many parents. You want your baby to be comfortable and cool, but you also want them to be protected from the sun and other environmental factors. Here are some of the challenges you may face when dressing your baby in hot weather, and some tips for how to overcome them.

Finding the Right Clothes

One of the biggest challenges of dressing a baby in hot weather is finding the right clothes. You want to choose clothes that are lightweight and breathable, but also provide enough coverage to protect your baby from the sun.

Some parents may be tempted to dress their baby in just a diaper or a onesie in hot weather, but this may not provide enough sun protection. It’s important to choose clothes that cover your baby’s arms and legs, and a hat to protect their head and face.

Keeping the Clothes Clean

Babies can be messy, and hot weather can make them even more prone to spills and stains. Keeping your baby’s clothes clean and fresh can be a challenge, especially if you’re dealing with frequent diaper blowouts or spit-up.

One tip for keeping your baby’s clothes clean is to have a few extra outfits on hand. This way, you can quickly change your baby into a clean outfit if they get messy. You can also use bibs and burp cloths to catch any spills or dribbles.

Dealing with Heat Rash

Heat rash is a common problem for babies in hot weather. This condition occurs when sweat ducts become blocked and cause small red bumps on the skin. Heat rash can be uncomfortable and itchy for your baby.

To prevent heat rash, make sure your baby’s clothes are loose-fitting and made from breathable fabrics. You can also try using a cool mist humidifier to keep your baby’s room cool and comfortable.

Protecting Against Sunburn

Sunburn can be painful and uncomfortable for anyone, but it can be especially dangerous for babies. A baby’s skin is more delicate and sensitive than an adult’s, and it can easily burn in just a few minutes of sun exposure.

To protect your baby from sunburn, make sure they’re wearing clothes that cover their arms and legs, and a hat to protect their head and face. You can also use a sunscreen that’s specifically formulated for babies, and avoid going outside during peak sun hours (usually between 10 am and 2 pm).

Dealing with Sweating

Babies can easily become sweaty and uncomfortable in hot weather. This can lead to irritability and fussiness, which can be difficult to deal with as a parent.

To keep your baby comfortable, make sure their clothes are made from lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo. You can also use a fan or air conditioner to keep their room cool and comfortable.

Choosing the Right Fabrics

Choosing the right fabrics for your baby’s clothes can be a challenge in hot weather. You want to choose fabrics that are lightweight and breathable, but also durable enough to withstand frequent washing.

Some of the best fabrics for hot weather include cotton, bamboo, and linen. These fabrics are lightweight, breathable, and gentle on your baby’s skin.

Dealing with Changing Temperatures

One of the challenges of hot weather is dealing with changing temperatures. You may start the day with a cool breeze, but by midday, the temperature may have skyrocketed. This can make it difficult to dress your baby appropriately.

To deal with changing temperatures, it’s a good idea to dress your baby in layers. This way, you can easily remove or add clothes as the temperature changes throughout the day.

What Are Some Fabrics for Your Toddler to Wear When It Is Hot Outside?

Choosing the right fabrics, such as cotton, bamboo, and linen, can also help keep your baby cool and comfortable in hot weather. These fabrics are lightweight, breathable, and gentle on your baby’s skin. Also, using bibs and burp cloths can also help prevent stains and spills, and using a sunscreen that’s specifically formulated for babies can help protect your baby from sunburn. Here are some of the best choices for dressing your child in hot weather:


Ah, the touch . . . the feel . . . the fabric of our lives. 

Let’s start with the classic choice for baby clothing: cotton. Cotton is a natural fabric that’s lightweight, breathable, and comfortable. It’s also hypoallergenic, which means it’s less likely to cause skin irritation. Cotton is a great choice for hot weather because it wicks moisture away from the skin, which helps keep your baby cool and dry.

Cotton has been used for baby clothing for centuries, and for good reason. It’s soft, gentle, and easy to care for. Plus, it comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, so you can find something that suits your style.

One potential disadvantage of cotton is that it can wrinkle easily, but this is a minor issue compared to the many benefits. And while it’s not ideal to use chemicals on your kid’s clothing, laundry balls do a great job of removing wrinkles without the use of chemicals. 

Overall, cotton is a great choice for newborns in hot weather.


If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option, bamboo is a great choice. Bamboo is a renewable resource that grows quickly and requires very little water. It’s also naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, which makes it a great choice for baby clothing.

Bamboo fabric is lightweight, breathable, and soft. It’s also moisture-wicking, which means it will help keep your baby cool and dry in hot weather. Bamboo is a relatively new fabric, but it’s quickly gaining popularity for its many benefits.

One potential disadvantage of bamboo is that it can be more expensive than other fabrics. However, the environmental benefits and comfort for your baby may be worth the extra cost.


Linen is another natural fabric that’s been used for centuries. It’s made from the fibers of the flax plant, and it’s known for its durability and breathability. Linen is lightweight and comfortable, making it a great choice for hot weather.

Linen has a distinctive texture and look that some people love, but others find it scratchy or stiff. However, with repeated washing and wearing, linen will soften up and become more comfortable.

One potential disadvantage of linen is that it can be prone to wrinkling. However, this can be minimized by hanging the clothing to dry or ironing it on a low heat.


Muslin is a lightweight cotton fabric that’s often used for baby clothing. It’s soft, breathable, and gentle on your baby’s skin. Muslin is also versatile and can be used for swaddling, burp cloths, and more.

Muslin has been used for centuries in various cultures, and it’s a popular choice for baby clothing because of its softness and breathability. Muslin is also easy to care for and gets softer with each wash.

One potential disadvantage of muslin is that it can be thin, which means it may not provide as much sun protection as other fabrics. 

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is a natural fabric that’s grown without the use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals. This makes it a great choice for babies, who have delicate skin that can be easily irritated by harsh chemicals. Organic cotton is also a more sustainable choice, as it’s grown using environmentally-friendly methods.

Organic cotton is just as soft and comfortable as regular cotton, but it’s also hypoallergenic and free from harmful chemicals. It’s a great choice for babies with sensitive skin or allergies.

One potential disadvantage of organic cotton is that it can be more expensive than regular cotton. 


Silk is a luxurious fabric that’s known for its softness and breathability. It’s a great choice for hot weather because it’s lightweight and can help regulate your baby’s body temperature. Silk is also hypoallergenic and gentle on your baby’s skin.

Silk has been used for centuries in various cultures, and it’s often associated with luxury and elegance. It can be more delicate than other fabrics, and it may require special care when washing.

One potential disadvantage of silk is that it can be more expensive than other fabrics. 

In conclusion, choosing the right fabric for your newborn in hot weather is crucial for their comfort and well-being. Each fabric has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider your baby’s individual needs and preferences.

Cotton is a classic choice that’s lightweight, breathable, and easy to care for. Bamboo is an eco-friendly option that’s naturally antibacterial and antifungal. Linen is a durable and breathable fabric that’s great for hot weather. Muslin is a versatile fabric that’s soft and easy to care for. Organic cotton is a hypoallergenic and sustainable choice that’s great for babies with sensitive skin. And silk is a luxurious fabric that’s soft and breathable.

What Are Some Fabrics to Avoid When It Is Hot Outside?

While some fabrics are great for hot weather, others can actually make you feel hotter and more uncomfortable. Here are some fabrics that are bad for hot weather:


Polyester is a synthetic fabric that’s often used in clothing because it’s cheap, durable, and easy to care for. However, polyester is not a great choice for hot weather because it’s not very breathable. Polyester traps heat and moisture, which can make you feel hot and sticky.


Nylon is another synthetic fabric that’s often used in clothing because it’s lightweight and strong. However, like polyester, nylon is not very breathable and can trap heat and moisture. Nylon can also be uncomfortable to wear in hot weather because it can cling to your skin.


Rayon is a semi-synthetic fabric that’s often used in clothing because it’s soft and has a silky texture. However, rayon is not a great choice for hot weather because it’s not very breathable. Rayon can trap heat and moisture, which can make you feel hot and uncomfortable.


Silk is a luxurious fabric that’s known for its softness and breathability. However, silk is not a great choice for hot weather because it’s not very absorbent. Silk can trap sweat and moisture, which can make you feel hot and uncomfortable.


Denim is a heavy, durable fabric that’s often used in jeans and other clothing. However, denim is not a great choice for hot weather because it’s not very breathable. Denim can trap heat and moisture, which can make you feel hot and uncomfortable.

In general, synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are not great choices for hot weather because they’re not very breathable and can trap heat and moisture. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and bamboo are much better choices because they’re lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking.

Oh by the Way, . . . Be Careful Which Color You Choose

If you’ve ever worn black clothes on a hot day, you know that they can make you feel much hotter than if you were wearing white clothes. But why is this the case? Why do black clothes get hotter than white clothes?

The reason has to do with how different colors absorb and reflect light. Colors are created when light hits an object and is either absorbed or reflected. When light hits an object, it’s either absorbed by the object, reflected back off the object, or a combination of both.

Black clothes are black because they absorb all colors of light, while white clothes reflect all colors of light. When light hits a black shirt, for example, the shirt absorbs all colors of light, including those in the infrared spectrum. This energy is then converted into heat, which is why black clothes get hotter than white clothes.

White clothes, on the other hand, reflect all colors of light, including those in the infrared spectrum. This means that less energy is absorbed by the clothes, and less heat is generated.

This difference in absorption and reflection of light can also be seen in other materials, like asphalt and concrete. Asphalt is black and absorbs more energy than concrete, which is lighter in color and reflects more energy.

So, if you’re planning on dressing your little one for spending time in the sun, it’s best to choose light-colored clothes that reflect more energy and help keep him or her cool. Dark-colored clothes, like black, should be avoided.

You Got This

No matter which fabric you choose, don’t forget to have fun with it! Dressing up your baby in cute and stylish outfits can be a fun and rewarding experience. Just make sure you choose the right fabric for the occasion and the hot weather.