Essential Newborn Clothes: How to Build Baby’s First Wardrobe

Essential Newborn Clothes for the First Month

Has shopping for baby clothes become your new cardio? Listen, we get it—baby clothes are addictive. But what items do you actually need for that first month home with your newborn? And to get down to brass tacks: what pieces will make overnight feedings and changes go as seamlessly as possible, i.e. snaps are not your friends

A Few Considerations

  • Think about sizes: while you won’t be certain how big or small your newborn will be, one thing is certain, and that is that babies grow fast. So while you may be tempted to register for or purchase only newborn sizes, focus on 0-3 month sizes instead. 
  • Think about laundry: our suggestions are based on the assumption that you will be washing three loads of laundry a week. You may want to double our suggestions if you plan to wash once a week, and cut in half if you plan to wash daily. Babies are messy, no matter what.  
  • Think about fabrics: soft, natural, breathable fabrics are the way to go. And make sure to avoid itchy tags that can irritate baby’s skin.

The Guide for Newborn Clothes

Newborn clothes: footies, gowns, rompers

6-8 Bodysuits or Rompers

  • Bodysuits are an easy summer outfit staple and a great base layer in the winter (there are short and long-sleeve options).
  • Good to know: kimono shirts, which don’t have to be pulled over your baby’s head to be worn, are a great option when the umbilical stump is still healing, or if you’re a little nervous dressing your floppy newborn (we’ve all been there).

4-6 Pairs of Pants

  • Pants are great for layering over bodysuits and keeping legs from getting chilly year-round.
  • Good to know: newborns are really sensitive to cold and lose body heat quickly. Even if you have a summer baby, you’ll still want to pair pants with tops when indoors in air conditioning.

4-6 Footies or Gowns

  • Cozy footies are the quintessential baby wardrobe item and the best for lazy dressing.
  • Good to know: make sure you have zippered footies for overnight diaper changes—super quick! Gowns are also a convenient choice for overnight wear. Pair with booties or socks and you’re all set.

Fancy Outfits for Pictures

  • Babies look adorable in anything, but you may want a couple of nicer outfits for extra special photo sessions.
  • Good to know: it’s probably smart to have at least two options because, hey, spit up happens.

2-3 Hats

  • Beanie style or knotted hats are important for helping to keep newborns warm in those early weeks.
  • Good to know: have at least two hats on hand so one is always available if the other is in the laundry.

4-6 Pairs of Socks

  • You’ll want to keep a newborn’s feet nice and toasty, even in the summer months. Buy them all in the same color and you won’t have to worry about searching for the elusive matching pair.
  • Good to know: sleeping gowns paired with socks make for super quick diaper changes.

3-4 Swaddles or Swaddle Sacks

  • Sure, a swaddle isn’t really an item of clothing, but many parents find that they are essential for soothing a newborn to sleep. 
  • Good to know: you can swaddle babies in traditional swaddle blankets (which make for great lightweight blankets in the summer) or in swaddle sacks that are zipped and/or velcroed snuggly into place. Some swaddle sacks allow for arm movement so that your baby has access to his hands for self-soothing.

For Winter Babies, Add

1 Winter Coat or Bunting

  • Winter babies need an extra layer of super warm outerwear. A winter coat will work unless you live in a colder region—in that case, opt for a full-body winter bunting suit.

1 Pair of Winter Mittens

  • Make sure to cover tiny hands with cozy mittens. Bonus: They also help keep newborns from scratching themselves.

2 Pairs of Cozy Booties

  • Your little one won’t actually need shoes until he starts walking, but cozy booties—especially fleece ones—help keep tiny toes toasty.

2-3 Sweatshirts or Sweaters

  • A cardi or zip up hoodie is easy to get on and off when going from outdoors to in.

For Summer Babies, Add

1 Sun Hat

  • When it’s so warm a blanket isn’t practical, a sun hat will keep that newborn skin protected and covered. Look for a wide brim and an adjustable toggle so that the hat grows with the baby.

2 Lightweight Blankets

  • Swaddle blankets are great for draping strollers and car seats in the bright summer sun, but always keep in mind: even thin blankets raise the temperature and decrease ventilation inside both. Make sure you aren’t fully covering your stroller or car seat to create shade, and once you are parked somewhere out of the sun, go ahead and remove the blanket, just to be safe. Now you’re picnic ready.

Our list covers the basics for layette, and your mileage may vary depending upon climate, budget, or older sibling(s). We’d recommend registering for these items, however, bare minimum. Your bases will be covered and you won’t be cursing that adorable—but entirely inconvenient—set of pajamas come 3am.

Finding What’s Right for You

Albee Baby is the oldest family-owned specialty baby shop in the US, and we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best assortment of baby products anywhere, at fair prices, always. We’re committed to being an inclusive resource for parents, and hope you’re feeling empowered to find the right baby gear for your family. Still have questions? Feel free to contact our baby gear experts at 877.692.5233 or by email at [email protected].